Newsletter 45

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[2]I Invented The Vuvuzela
Freddie Maake | Guardian | 10 July 2010
Interesting if true. South African musician claims to have invented infernal
instrument by blowing into bicycle horn at age 10. Gets no royalties,
struggles to support nine children, happy anyway
[3]Three Questions On Behavioral Economics
Dan Ariely | 10 July 2010
If you want a quick primer on the subject, here it is, from an expert. What
behavioural economics means, why it doesn't place much hope in market
forces, and how it can bring practical gains
[4]New Generation Of Mormons Rises
James Crabtree | FT | 9 July 2010
Church still has weird, cultish reputation. But it is big, rich, and
increasingly part of American establishment. As prejudice fades, younger
Mormons move easily into top jobs, elite institutions
[5]Submarine Deals Help Sink Greece
Christopher Rhoads | WSJ | 10 July 2010
Valuable insight into EU political realities, from WSJ's excellent Athens
correspondent. Partners encourage Greece to buy weaponry it doesn't need,
even while they urge it to cut spending
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[6]ON OUR SISTER SITE, FIVEBOOKS.COM: This week's theme—Diplomacy

About [7]The Browser: _Editor_, [8]Robert Cottrell; _Managing
Partner_, [9]Al Breach. Please [10]write to us if you would like to make a
comment on the site, or suggest a link.
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