Newsletter 73

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[2]Google's Search For The Future
Holman Jenkins | WSJ | 14 August 2010
Interview with CEO Eric Schmidt. "Every young person will be entitled to
change his name on reaching adulthood to disown youthful hijinks stored on
friends' social media sites"
[3]Spying And Technology
Alex Harrowell | Yorkshire Ranter | 14 August 2010
Meaty middle section of long essay on politics of British signals
intelligence, how Bletchley grew into GCHQ, and whether intelligence
establishment helped or hindered British science
[4]Red Menace
Devra First | Boston Globe | 15 August 2010
History of tomato. Fascinating throughout. Used to be low-status food: "cold
and moist". Only became staple of Italian cuisine in 1870s. Italy exports
more tomatoes than it grows
[5]Raising Chicago: An Illustrated History
Lille Carré | Chicago Magazine | August 2010
Graphic tale of how 19th-century city fathers raised Chicago streets by ten
feet, to accommodate new sewerage network. Tremont Hotel was raised six feet
with guests still inside
[6]Traditional And Liberal Conservatism
Jonathan Rauch | Five Books | 15 August 2010
Brink Lindsey of Cato Institute talks about favourite books in political
philosophy. Favours liberalism over conservativism. Recommends Mill, Hayek,
"Atlas Shrugged". Excellent throughout
[7]Power Trip
Jonah Lehrer | WSJ | 14 August 2010
Good news: nicer people more likely to rise to positions of authority. Bad
news: once they get there, they lose their nicer qualities. They become
rash, arrogant. Mark Hurd, for example
[8]Fadeout For Anglo-Indian Culture
Mian Ridge | NYT | 14 August 2010
Short, sweet account of mixed-race Indians, descended from empire-period
British-Indian intermarriages. Oldest still try to preserve trappings of
Raj, younger generations assimilating
[9]Living With A Nuclear Iran
Robert Kaplan | Atlantic | September 2010
Conversation with Henry Kissinger. Brilliant—as always—in theory. Argues
that it's no use negotiating with "revolutionary" countries, since they will
not feel bound by the outcome
[10]India's Million Mutinies
Subodh Varma | Times of India | 14 August 2010
Short guide to complexity, volatility, of Indian state and society.
North-eastern states have 475 ethnic groups, 35 separatist movements.
Further divisions by caste, gender, community
[11]Who's a Pirate? Court Decides
Keith Johnson | WSJ | 14 August 2010
Definition of piracy might seem obvious. But as cases reach US courts from
Somalia, judges re-examine legal niceties. Are you a pirate if you try to
seize a vessel, but fail?
[12]Lunch With Lorin Stein
Trevor Butterworth | FT | 13 August 2010
Conversation with editor of Paris Review, previously star editor at FSG. No
great issues discussed, lots of charm and style. "FT lunch" really is lunch,
for once. At a restaurant. With wine
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[13]ON OUR SISTER SITE, FIVEBOOKS.COM: This week's theme-[14]Summer Reading.

About [15]The Browser: _Editor_, [16]Robert Cottrell; _Managing
Partner_, [17]Al Breach. Please [18]write to us if you would like to make a
comment on the site, or suggest a link.
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