Newsletter 76

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[2]Iraq's Future Hanging By A Thread
Zaid Al-Ali | Open Democracy | 18 August 2010
Fine state-of-the-nation piece. Iraqi travels through his country, finds
despair at political leaders, services and infrastructure in dreadful shape,
some effort to overcome sectarianism at local level
[3]Serge And The Soul Of Modern France
Neil Davenport | Spiked Online | 18 August 2010
Gainsbourg biopic celebrates Gallic art, liberality; dwells on racism,
anti-semitism. Interesting as much for what it says about contemporary
France as about iconoclastic singer's life
[4]Salvador Dalí’s Painting: Junk Food Of Art
Jed Perl | New Republic | 18 August 2010
Stern critic confesses grudging admiration. "The work is worthless. But the
man was not bogus. Has any other artist ever squandered so much energy and
intelligence on such absurdities?"
[5]America Has Disgraced Itself
Peter Beinart | Daily Beast | 17 August 2010
Denunciation of American bigotry and hypocrisy over the "Ground Zero Mosque"
affair. What are we to say now to those who say the US hates Muslims?
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About [8]The Browser: _Editor_, [9]Robert Cottrell; _Managing
Partner_, [10]Al Breach. Please [11]write to us if you would like to make a
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