Newsletter 78

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[2]My Kushy New Job
Wells Tower | GQ | 19 August 2010
American writer joins staff of Dutch cannabis cafe, reports on legalised
drug regime. "It's like working at a Starbucks where the customers are
cranky zombies, and a latte costs fifty bucks"
[3]Should Orchestras Use Vibrato?
Stephen Hough | Telegraph | 17 August 2010
A small question, in the great scheme of things, but answered here with
great precision and elegance. Probably yes, because modern steel strings are
otherwise less expressive than pre-war gut
[4]Now That The Oil Well Is Capped
Various | Boston Globe | 18 August 2010
Striking series of photographs related to the BP oil spill. From beautiful
wildlife and landscape shots to informative images of the clean-up operation
[5]Himalayan Rivalry
Anonymous | Economist | 19 August 2010
Serious border disputes, which provoked war in 1962, still weigh heavily on
relations between India and China. India also fears encirclement by sea, as
China builds ports in Pakistan, Bangladesh
[6]Is China Turning Japanese?
Michael Pettis | Foreign Policy | 19 August 2010
Beware China's boom. Like Japan's in 1980s. Government sets industrial
policy, directs resources and subsidies. Result is over-investment,
misallocated capital
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[7]ON OUR SISTER SITE, FIVEBOOKS.COM: This week's theme-[8]Journeys.

About [9]The Browser: _Editor_, [10]Robert Cottrell; _Managing
Partner_, [11]Al Breach. Please [12]write to us if you would like to make a
comment on the site, or suggest a link.
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