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Writing Worth Reading

* [2]Internet's Virtual Counter-Revolution
   Anonymous | Economist | 2 September 2010
   Under pressure from three sides, internet may fragment. Governments want
   national controls. Big tech companies build their own ecosystems. US
   service providers oppose open-access rules
 * [3]A Unified Theory Of New York Biking
   Felix Salmon | Reuters | 3 September 2010
   Cyclists behave, get treated, as though they were pedestrians. They
   don't feel bound by traffic rules. Drivers don't respect them. They need
   to jump species barrier, behave as motorists
 * [4]Inside Munich Re, World's Risk Centre
   Uwe Buse | Spiegel | 2 September 2010
   Reinsurance made fascinating. How to price global risk, including
   climate change. "What is the probability that Cologne's Old Town will be
   flooded a second time within the next year? Ten percent"
 * [5]How To Get Ahead In Advertising
   Peter York | Independent | 3 September 2010
   History of Saatchi & Saatchi. Founded 1970. Pioneered high-concept
   advertising. Bravura style. Built world's biggest agency, strongest
   brand. Over-reached by trying to buy Midland Bank
 * [6]Nasty Book With Girly Cover
   Lionel Shriver | Guardian | 2 September 2010
   Female author tells how her publishers always want to package her books
   for female readers, regardless of content. If you want to write a
   serious novel for a general audience, it helps to be a man
 * [7]Obituary: Mont Liggins
   Anonymous | Economist | 2 September 2010
   Clever, funny, uplifting tribute to New Zealand doctor who pioneered
   modern research into premature childbirth. Did most of his work with
   sheep. Found, happily, it worked with humans too
 * [8]Michael O'Leary, Duke Of Discomfort
   Felix Gillette | Business Week | 2 September 2010
   Profile of Ryan Air boss, "shabby, crappy, cheap", and enjoyable as
   always. Passengers as cattle. "O'Leary will call you a cow, lick his
   chops, and explain how he plans to carve you up for dinner"
 * [9]Topic: Tony Blair
   The man and the memoirs: a collection of essays, diaries and polemics
   portraying Britain's former Prime Minister. [10]Continue reading...

[11]Today on FiveBooks: Daily life in China.

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