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Writing Worth Reading

* [2]Tony Blair's Journey
   Peter Stothard | TLS | 8 September 2010
   Sated as you may be with reviews and accounts of the Blair memoir, make
   room for this one. It may be the best. Stothard, the TLS editor, is
   well-steeped in the subject, and a masterful reviewer
 * [3]Fidel Castro Calls
   Jeffrey Goldberg | Atlantic | 7 September 2010
   Writer gets invited to Havana, to discuss Iran with Castro. Three days
   of conversation ensue. Castro thinks Iran won't back down on nuclear. He
   has mellowed on America. And he likes dolphins
 * [4]The Slump Goes On
   Robin Wells & Paul Krugman | NYRB | 7 September 2010
   First half of prescriptive essay on American economy. Financial system
   has stabilised, but employment hasn't recovered. To exit from slump,
   "budget deficits are not only good, they are necessary"
 * [5]Changing Course In Moscow
   Jeffrey Mankoff | Foreign Affairs | 7 September 2010
   Useful, sober overview of Russia-West relations. Recession has
   encouraged Russia to court West again, seeking investment. But if energy
   prices spike up, Russia could regain its old belligerency
 * [6]Judgment Deficit
   Amar Bhidé | HBR | 6 September 2010
   Strong, high-concept essay about finding optimal balance in business
   between centralised controls and individual initiative. Financial crisis
   exemplifies danger of over-control by algorithms
 * [7]Are Your Pants Lying to You?
   Abram Sauer | Esquire | 7 September 2010
   True investigative journalism. Man goes from shop to shop with tape
   measure, measuring actual girth of various pairs of "36-inch" trousers.
   Results a nightmare for any fleshy male
 * [8]Beware Of Greeks Bearing Bonds
   Michael Lewis | Vanity Fair | 7 September 2010
   Masterpiece. Voyage into the hinterland of the Greek financial fiasco.
   Treasury of wonderful anecdotes, horrifying oddball facts. And how a
   monastery's property dealing sparked the crisis
 * [9]De Condimentis
   Tom Nealon | HiLoBrow | 7 September 2010
   Political and economic history of seasonings and sauces from ancient
   times. "The fall of Rome led to a long decline in condiment use,
   followed by a dead cat bounce around 750 AD"
 * [10]Use And Abuse Of Pessimism
   Roger Scruton & Raymond Tallis | Standpoint | 7 September 2010
   Long conversation between two conservative British intellectuals about
   pessimism, evolution, God, the human condition and related subjects. All
   over the place but interesting throughout
 * [11]Topic: US Foreign Policy

Henry Kissinger, Paul Kennedy and other experts look ahead to a nuclear
   Iran, a rising China, and other challenges to American dominance in the
   world  [12]Continue reading...

[13]Today on FiveBooks: Globalization

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Partner_, [16]Al Breach. Please [17]write to us if you would like to make a
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