Newsletter 96

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Writing Worth Reading

* [2]Order Of Creation
   Anthony Gottlieb | Economist | 9 September 2010
   Brisk, lethal takedown of Stephen Hawking's latest book on "grand
   design" of universe. Wrong about history. Wrong about philosophy.
   Probably wrong about science too. "This is physics by sound-bite"
 * [3]A Patient's Journey
   Stefan Spies | BMJ | 7 September 2010
   The journey is towards death. The patient is Stefan Spies, a man of 27
   wasting away with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. "Of course, I wish I
   could recover, but that does not appear to be a possibility"
 * [4]Obituary: Michael Burn
   Anonymous | Telegraph | 6 September 2010
   Admired Hitler. Commando, war hero. Prisoner in Colditz. Saved Audrey
   Hepburn's life. Lover of Guy Burgess. Poet and novelist. Ran North Wales
   mussel-farming co-operative. Died at 97
 * [5]Castro, Cuba, And Dolphins
   Jeffrey Goldberg | Atlantic | 8 September 2010
   Day two of this Cuban diary is even better than day one. We visit the
   dolphinarium with Castro, and meet Che Guevara's daughter. Who knew
   Goldberg was the new Bill Bryson?
 * [6]Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit
   Robert Mankoff | New Yorker | 8 September 2010
   An illustrated explanation of how cartoonists get their ideas. "All new
   cartoons are variations, extensions, or combinations of existing
   cartoons, with enough of a twist to count as different"
 * [7]Democracy After Citizens United
   Lawrence Lessig | Boston Review | 7 September 2010
   US Supreme Court decision allowing corporations to spend freely on
   political causes strengthens an "economy of corruption" in Congress.
   Extraordinary that court could think otherwise
 * [8]Topic: US Foreign Policy
   Henry Kissinger, Paul Kennedy and other experts look ahead to a nuclear
   Iran, a rising China, and... [9]Continue reading...

[10]Today on FiveBooks: Memory and the Digital Age

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