Weekly newsletter 13

Best of the Week

[5]Looking For Someone
      5. http://b.rw/jreWrG

Nick Paumgarten | New Yorker | 27 June 2011

Everything you wanted to know about Internet dating. Long, fun ride from
  1960s NY to today's smart algorithms (much like Netflix, except the movie
  doesn't have to like you back). And how we set ourselves up for success or
  failure [6]Comments
      6. http://thebrowser.com/articles/looking-someone

[7]You Are Being Gamed
      7. http://b.rw/k57J76

Dan Ariely | Dropbox | 25 June 2011

How online companies trick you into sharing more, joining more, and spending
  more. And how, sometimes, we end up gaming ourselves. Case studies from
  Amazon, Netflix, Zynga, Groupon, Apple and Facebook (PDF) [8]Comments
      8. http://thebrowser.com/articles/you-are-being-gamed

[9]US Inequality Quiz
      9. http://b.rw/j578Rr

Jeffrey Rudolph | Informed Comment | 28 June 2011

Twenty-two questions. Here's one of the shorter ones. "True or False: The US
  has higher social mobility than the Scandinavian countries." Answers with a
  little help from Paul Krugman, Arianna Huffington, Ha-Joon Chang
      10. http://thebrowser.com/articles/us-inequality-quiz

[11]Blindsided: The Jerry Joseph Basketball Scandal
      11. http://b.rw/j0C8dS

Michael Mooney | GQ | 30 June 2011

Jerry Joseph got off a Greyhound bus in Odessa, Texas in February 2009. He
  said he was a homeless orphan from Haiti. He was taken in, enrolled in high
  school. Soon he was a local sporting hero. But all was not as it appeared
      12. http://thebrowser.com/articles/blindsided-jerry-joseph-basketball-scandal

[13]The Philosophy Of Applied Mathematics
      13. http://b.rw/ke0QCf

Phil Wilson | Plus | 24 June 2011

Here's a big question. Why can maths be used to describe the world? Or, to
  extend it more provocatively, why is applied maths even possible? An expert
  explains the foundations of understanding the world mathematically
      14. http://thebrowser.com/articles/philosophy-applied-mathematics

[15]How Violent Sex Helped Ease My PTSD
      15. http://b.rw/lXPUWh

Mac McLelland | Good | 27 June 2011

Beat this for a first sentence: "It was my research editor who told me it
  was completely nuts to willingly get fucked at gunpoint." Mother Jones
  correspondent on doing journalism in dangerous places, and getting over the
  stress [16]Comments
      16. http://thebrowser.com/articles/how-violent-sex-helped-ease-my-ptsd

[17]Denis Forman's Guide To 'Die Meistersinger'
      17. http://b.rw/mbdGwj

Denis Forman | Guardian | 24 June 2011

Brilliant, funny summary. "It's the acceptable face of Wagner. There are no
  hang-ups with sex and sin, no power-mad dwarfs, no sprouting staves. Even
  the racial propaganda can be played down except for a disagreeable final
  outburst" [18]Comments
      18. http://thebrowser.com/articles/denis-formans-guide-die-meistersinger

[19]The 14 Most Dominant Performances
      19. http://b.rw/mSK0T0

Joe Posnanski | Sports Illustrated | 24 June 2011

In sport, that is. A great list to chew over. So many good memories. And a
  fabulous, in some ways unexpected, choice as number one. "He is moving like
  a tremendous machine," said the awestruck commentator [20]Comments
      20. http://thebrowser.com/articles/14-most-dominant-performances

FiveBooks Interview

[21]Stephen Breyer on Intellectual Influences
      21. http://thebrowser.com/interviews/stephen-breyer-on-intellectual-influences

The US Supreme Court Justice discusses five books that have influenced his
  thinking,  and  explains  why reading widely, including literature, is
  essential for judges and lawyers [22]Read on
      22. http://thebrowser.com/interviews/stephen-breyer-on-intellectual-influences

Featured Topic

      23. http://thebrowser.com/topics/china

Everything you need to know about the rising power. Original interviews with
  experts such as Richard Baum, Isabel Hilton, and Xinran - and the books and
  articles they recommend [24]Read on
      24. http://thebrowser.com/topics/china

Reader Recommendations

_@polit2k_  Christine  Lagarde And The Demand For Dollars « The Baseline
  Scenario     -     [25]goo.gl/oxZuS _@nppolicyanalyst    @baselinescene
  #IMF_[26]#browsings [27]More like this
      25. http://goo.gl/oxZuS
      26. https://twitter.com/search?q=#browsings
      27. http://thebrowser.com/browsings

Book of the Week

[28]Book of the Day
      28. http://thebrowser.com/recommended/looming-tower-by-lawrence-wright

[29]The Looming Tower by Lawrence Wright
      29. http://thebrowser.com/recommended/looming-tower-by-lawrence-wright

[30]Peter Taylor says: "If anybody wishes to understand what Al-Qaeda is,
  where it came from and what it is trying to do, this is the key book to
  read" [31]FiveBooks Archive
      30. http://thebrowser.com/interviews/peter-taylor-on-al-qaeda
      31. http://thebrowser.com/fivebooks

Video of the Week

[32]Splitscreen: A Love Story
      32. http://thebrowser.com/videos/splitscreen-love-story

Winner of Nokia Shorts competition 2011. Amazingly, shot entirely by mobile
  [33]More videos
      33. http://thebrowser.com/videos

Quote of the Week

[34]Jimmy Page, on nutrition
      34. http://www.grantland.com/story/_/id/6696852/in-evening

"I'm  not  into solid foods very much. I prefer to eat liquid food,
    something like a banana daiquiri"

[35]More quotes
      35. http://thebrowser.com/quotations

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