Weekly newsletter 3

Best of the Week

Is The World Too Big To Fail?

Noam Chomsky | TomDispatch | 21 April 2011

Substantial tour d'horizon characteristically critical of US
  double-standards, poor intentions. From the Arab uprisings to climate change
  deniers, via Goldman Sachs and anti-immigration politics [1]Comments
      1. http://thebrowser.com/articles/world-too-big-fail

The Science Of Why We Don't Believe Science

Chris Mooney | Mother Jones | 18 April 2011

Important, fascinating, article on science denial and how our brains have a
  tendency to reject threatening information. "Expecting people to be
  convinced by the facts flies in the face of, you know, the facts"
      2. http://thebrowser.com/articles/science-why-we-dont-believe-science

The Sharing Economy

Danielle Sacks | Fast Company | 18 April 2011

Are we watching the end of hyperconsumption? Financial crisis has led many
  companies to re-evaluate consumers' desire for ownership of products.
  Numerous start-ups, fuelled by social media, now bet that sharing is the new
  owning [3]Comments
      3. http://thebrowser.com/articles/sharing-economy

Am I Going To Have To Kill You?

Alex Henderson | AlterNet | 17 April 2011

Shocking article on tactics employed by some US debt collectors during the
  downturn. Extreme threats and abusive harassment becoming more commonplace.
  One even "threatened to rape a person’s daughter if a debt was not paid"
      4. http://thebrowser.com/articles/am-i-going-have-kill-you

Deepest Cuts

George Packer | New Yorker | 18 April 2011

Obama has been losing budget battle, because Republicans have fought using
  ideology, not just numbers. They want to strangle the government. "In
  politics, the side with fixed ends and unscrupulous means always has the
  advantage" [5]Comments
      5. http://thebrowser.com/articles/deepest-cuts

What Lucky People Do Differently

Jonathan Fields | Jonathan Fields Blog | 11 April 2011

Exceptional short post looking at what separates the lucky from the unlucky,
  via an appreciation of Steve Jobs. Key point: "unlucky people miss chance
  opportunities because they are too focused on looking for something else"
      6. http://thebrowser.com/articles/what-lucky-people-do-differently

Remembering Tim Hetherington

Peter Bergen | Foreign Policy | 20 April 2011

The renowned photojournalist and director of "Restrepo" was killed in a
  mortar attack by Colonel Gadhafi's forces. His last tweet: "In besieged
  Libyan city of Misrata. Indiscriminate shelling by Qaddafi forces. No sign
  of NATO" [7]Comments
      7. http://thebrowser.com/articles/tim-hetherington-40-killed-libya

I Crushed My Million-Pound Violin

David Garrett | Guardian | 16 April 2011

Musician's fatal slip outside concert hall. "Still wearing my flat-soled
  concert shoes, I lost my footing and took the entire flight of steps on my
  back, riding the violin case like a sledge". Before: 1772 violin. After:
  splinters [8]Comments
      8. http://thebrowser.com/articles/i-crushed-my-million-pound-violin

FiveBooks Interview

[9]Ian McEwan on Books That Have Helped Shape His Novels
      9. http://thebrowser.com/interviews/ian-mcewan-on-five-books-have-influenced-my-novels

Novelist Ian McEwan talks about the books that have helped shape his own –
  from the biography of a scientific genius to a treatise on the end of time
  – and the importance of finding ‘mental freedom’

Featured Topic

      10. http://thebrowser.com/topics/cooking

If  cooking is your thing, or you want it to be, this is for you. From
  interviews with top chefs to articles that range from the perfect appliance,
  to food for athletes, to what's in your cappuccino, it's all here. Enjoy

Reader Recommendations

@CorbinHiar   The   science  of  why  people  don’t  believe  science:
  http://mojo.ly/fSMsZn #browsings

Book of the Week

[12]The Female Eunuch by Germaine Greer
      12. http://thebrowser.com/recommended/female-eunuch-by-germaine-greer

[13]Erica Jong says: “Germaine has become very bitter and angry. I’m not
  sure why. Maybe it has to do with having been a sexy beauty and having to
  accept age”
      13. http://thebrowser.com/interviews/erica-jong-on-unmissable-books-women-feminism-and-life

Video of the Week

[14]State Of The Internet
      14. http://thebrowser.com/videos/state-internet

A post-modern power-point. To tell you that it's big, and getting bigger. In
  case you hadn't noticed.

Quote of the Week

[15]Guy Kawasaki, on the iPhone
      15. http://www.cultofmac.com/apple-survived-80s-thanks-to-one-piece-of-software-says-guy-kawasaki/90024

"$188 worth of parts, manufactured in a plant where workers tend to commit
    suicide, hitched to America’s worst cell phone network. But this is not
    how Steve Jobs pitches it"

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