Weekly newsletter 44

[1]A selection of our best article links of the week, plus featured
  FiveBooks interviews, videos, quotations and more.
      1. http://thebrowser.com

Weekly Newsletter

Best of the Week

[5]Attack Dog
      5. http://b.rw/xPD9Au

Jane Mayer | New Yorker | 6 February 2012

A very nice guy who makes very nasty ads. This is Larry McCarthy,
  master of the negative TV ad, now working for Romney Super PAC.
  Shredded Dukakis. Did for Gingrich in Iowa. What counts is what works,
  not what's true [6]Comments
      6. http://thebrowser.com/articles/attack-dog

[7]Atheism In America
      7. http://b.rw/AuHoS2

Julian Baggini | FT | 3 February 2012

Fascinating investigation into discrimination, isolation of atheists in
  the US. “I’d rather have a big ‘L’ or ‘lesbian’ written across my shirt
  than a big ‘A’ or ‘atheist’, because people are going to handle it
  better” [8]Comments
      8. http://thebrowser.com/articles/atheism-america

[9]Zap Your Brain Into The Zone
      9. http://b.rw/wKqbHH

Sally Adee | New Scientist | 6 February 2012

Journalist tries virtual reality weapons training: "I am failing
  miserably. I'm so demoralised that I'm tempted to put down the rifle
  and leave." But then they bring out the electrodes, and wire her brain
  to a nine-volt battery [10]Comments
      10. http://thebrowser.com/articles/zap-your-brain-zone

[11]18 Tigers, 17 Lions, 8 Bears, 3 Cougars, 2 Wolves, 1 Baboon, 1 Macaque,
and 1 Man Dead in Ohio
      11. http://b.rw/zyS8VN

Chris Heath | GQ | 6 February 2012

"Deputy Jonathan Merry was two hours into his shift in Zanesville when
  the call came through about a lion and a bear on the loose." When he
  arrived on scene he found a tiger, a black bear, two lionesses. And
  then it got weirder [12]Comments
      12. http://thebrowser.com/articles/18-tigers-17-lions-8-bears-3-cougars-2-wolves-1-baboon-1-macaque-and-1-man-dead-ohio

[13]Spinoza’s Vision Of Freedom, And Ours
      13. http://b.rw/y2BHw5

Steven Nadler | NYT | 5 February 2012

"Well before John Stuart Mill, Spinoza had the acuity to recognize that
  the unfettered freedom of expression is in the state’s own best
  interest." And in our post 9/11 world, there is every reason to revisit
  the Dutch philosopher [14]Comments
      14. http://thebrowser.com/articles/spinoza’s-vision-freedom-and-ours

[15]Man In Full
      15. http://b.rw/zXhhkk

Chris Ballard | Sports Illustrated | 6 February 2012

A story about wrestling and wrestlers. So far, so unpromising. And then
  there's the unattractive frat boy violence on page one. But it develops
  into the most moving account of confronting adversity you'll read in a
  long time [16]Comments
      16. http://thebrowser.com/articles/man-full

[17]DIY Science: Splitting The Atom
      17. http://b.rw/w1O2yJ

Jon Ronson | Guardian | 3 February 2012

Interview with Richard Handl, who did try it at home. "First, he got a
  saucepan. Into it he put his radioactive elements—the americium and
  radium. He mixed them up with sulphuric acid and beryllium, and turned
  on the stove" [18]Comments
      18. http://thebrowser.com/articles/diy-science-splitting-atom

[19]Much Ado About Nothing
      19. http://b.rw/yUlXwR

SL Price | Vanity Fair | 10 February 2012

Barry Levinson's 1982 comedy Diner had no special effects or stars, was
  about nothing much. But Price makes the bold claim that no movie from
  that decade was more influential. Would Seinfeld have happened without
  it? [20]Comments
      20. http://thebrowser.com/articles/much-ado-about-nothing

FiveBooks Interview

[21]Philip Plait on the Wonders of the Universe
      21. http://thebrowser.com/interviews/philip-plait-on-wonders-universe

The astronomer and author of the acclaimed Bad Astronomy blog gives us
  a superbly informative beginner’s guide to the galaxy, taking in the
  birthdate of the universe, solar flares and much, much more [22]Read on
      22. http://thebrowser.com/interviews/philip-plait-on-wonders-universe

Featured Topic

[23]Human Modification
      23. http://thebrowser.com/reports/human-modification

Scientists are experimenting with different ways to enhance humans.
  What's possible? And what may be possible in the future? Does messing
  with Mother Nature raise ethical questions? [24]Read on
      24. http://thebrowser.com/reports/human-modification

Reader Recommendations

@maisonneuvemag Men who cuddle with mountain lions: inside Canada's
  bizarre exotic-animal trade [25]t.co/zv8n6sah by @klaidlaw #longreads
  [26]#browsings [27]More like this
      25. http://t.co/zv8n6sah
      26. https://twitter.com/search?q=#browsings
      27. http://thebrowser.com/browsings

Book of the Week

[28]Book of the Day
      28. http://thebrowser.com/recommended/great-war-and-modern-memory-by-paul-fussell

[29]The Great War and Modern Memory by Paul Fussell
      29. http://thebrowser.com/recommended/great-war-and-modern-memory-by-paul-fussell

[30]Wade Davis says: “To understand the sociological impact of the war,
  not just in arts but in politics and the entire shift of the centuries,
  this is the greatest source” [31]FiveBooks Archive
      30. http://thebrowser.com/interviews/wade-davis-on-legacies-world-war-one
      31. http://thebrowser.com/fivebooks

Video of the Week

[32]The Strangest Village In Britain
      32. http://thebrowser.com/videos/strangest-village-britain

2005 documentary looks at social experiment of Botton, half of whose
  inhabitants have learning difficulties
  [33]More videos
      33. http://thebrowser.com/videos

Quote of the Week

[34]Kenan Malik, on belief
      34. http://kenanmalik.wordpress.com/2012/02/06/who-needs-god

"No one comes to believe in God because they have been convinced by
    the arguments for God’s existence"

[35]More quotes
      35. http://thebrowser.com/quotations

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