Weekly newsletter 60

[1]A selection of our best article links of the week, plus featured
  FiveBooks interviews, videos, quotations and more.
      1. http://thebrowser.com

Weekly Newsletter

Best of the Week

[6]The Second Term
      6. http://b.rw/Mn7tlS

Ryan Lizza | New Yorker | 11 June 2012

Present indications are that Obama vs Romney will be a very tight
  contest. If it's Obama, narrowly, what will he do, how will he behave
  in a second term? Lizza sketches out his likely priorities, and scope
  for action [7]Comments
      7. http://thebrowser.com/articles/second-term

[8]Neuroscience: The Mind Reader
      8. http://b.rw/MsW1oK

David Cyranoski | Nature | 12 June 2012

Adrian Owen has achieved the unthinkable: He's found a way to
  communicate with people who have been left in vegetative states. But
  his research raises issues – should he ask patients if they want to
  discontinue life support? [9]Comments
      9. http://thebrowser.com/articles/neuroscience-mind-reader

[10]The Macroeconomics Of Chinese Kleptocracy
      10. http://b.rw/LeRpBE

John Hempton | Bronte Capital | 10 June 2012

"China is a kleptocracy of a scale never seen before in human history.
  This post aims to explain how this wave of theft is financed, what
  makes it sustainable and what will make it fail." (h/t Florens
  Sauerbruch) [11]Comments
      11. http://thebrowser.com/articles/macroeconomics-chinese-kleptocracy

[12]Nixon Was Far Worse Than We Thought
      12. http://b.rw/N1VKMQ

Bob Woodward & Carl Bernstein | Washington Post | 8 June 2012

Forty years on from Watergate, we know much more about Nixon's
  presidency, most of it bad. He waged war "against the anti-Vietnam War
  movement, the news media, the Democrats, the justice system and,
  finally, against history itself" [13]Comments
      13. http://thebrowser.com/articles/nixon-was-far-worse-we-thought

[14]Of Flying Cars And The Declining Rate Of Profit
      14. http://b.rw/MpwCJQ

David Graeber | Baffler | 4 June 2012

Futurologists thought we would have flying cars, force-fields, tractor
  beams, teleportation, antigravity sleds, immortality drugs and space
  colonies. But the only technologies to have advanced since the 1970s
  are those of simulation [15]Comments
      15. http://thebrowser.com/articles/flying-cars-and-declining-rate-profit

[16]A Case So Cold It Was Blue
      16. http://b.rw/L72jev

Mark Bowden | Vanity Fair | 14 June 2012

"The first thing Nels Rasmussen asked Detective Mayer the day after his
  daughter was murdered was 'Have you checked out John’s ex-girlfriend,
  the lady cop?'" They hadn't. When they finally did, 23 years later, the
  mystery unfolded [17]Comments
      17. http://thebrowser.com/articles/case-so-cold-it-was-blue

      18. http://b.rw/LlvaeE

Deirdre McCloskey | New Republic | 8 June 2012

Outstanding essay on measuring happiness. Critiques new "science" of
  hedonics, and the dreaded 1-2-3 studies relied on by so many
  economists. "We do not need more hedonomics or utilonomics or
  freakonomics. We need humanomics" [19]Comments
      19. http://thebrowser.com/articles/happyism

[20]Did He Feel Good?
      20. http://b.rw/LITt7q

Ian Penman | City Journal | 8 June 2012

Superb piece on godfather of soul James Brown, pegged to new biography.
  "The Hardest Working Man in Show Business rubbed up against the worst
  dreams of men and ultimately paid a heavy, soul-consuming price"
      21. http://thebrowser.com/articles/did-he-feel-good

FiveBooks Interview

[22]Paul Theroux on Travelling
      22. http://thebrowser.com/interviews/paul-theroux-on-travelling

Travel is a leap in the dark, says Paul Theroux – and one that will
  leave you a different person at the other end. He recommends five
  travel books that inspired him, from Mark Twain at sea to VS Naipaul in
  India [23]Read on
      23. http://thebrowser.com/interviews/paul-theroux-on-travelling

Featured Topic

[24]Euro On The Brink
      24. http://thebrowser.com/reports/euro-brink

What's going wrong with the euro? Can the problem be contained? If so,
  how? And what if it isn't? Read on to find out [25]Read on
      25. http://thebrowser.com/reports/euro-brink

Reader Recommendations

@nuzav Stalin & Hitler: Mass Murder by Starvation by Timothy Snyder |
  The New York Review of Books: [26]t.co/ie6bAvPS [27]#browsings [28]More
  like this
      26. http://t.co/ie6bAvPS
      27. https://twitter.com/search?q=#browsings
      28. http://thebrowser.com/browsings

Book of the Week

[29]Book of the Day
      29. http://thebrowser.com/recommended/code-street-by-elijah-anderson

[30]Code of the Street by Elijah Anderson
      30. http://thebrowser.com/recommended/code-street-by-elijah-anderson

[31]Gavin Knight says: “In street families it’s all about respect and
  aggression. To be respected you have to give the impression that you
  are capable of extreme violence quickly” [32]FiveBooks Archive
      31. http://thebrowser.com/interviews/gavin-knight-on-gang-crime
      32. http://thebrowser.com/fivebooks

Video of the Week

[33]10 Bets You Will Always Win
      33. http://thebrowser.com/videos/10-bets-you-will-always-win

Paul Newman got his thumbs broken for this sort of thing [34]More
      34. http://thebrowser.com/videos

Quote of the Week

[35]Warren Buffett, on brevity
      35. http://www.fourhourworkweek.com/blog/2012/06/11/exclusive-warren-buffett-a-few-lessons-for-investors-and-managers

"The truly big investment idea can usually be explained in a short

[36]More quotes
      36. http://thebrowser.com/quotations

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