Weekly newsletter 62

[1]A selection of our best article links of the week, plus featured
  FiveBooks interviews, videos, quotations and more.
      1. http://thebrowser.com

Weekly Newsletter

Best of the Week

[6]The Sharp, Sudden Decline Of America's Middle Class
      6. http://b.rw/LfD0UY

Jeff Tietz | Rolling Stone | 25 June 2012

Janis Adkins never dreamt she'd be unemployed. She ran a successful
  plant nursery in Utah. Then the recession wiped her out. Now she lives
  in her car, parked up beside a church. And forages for food. Her story
  is far from unique [7]Comments
      7. http://thebrowser.com/articles/sharp-sudden-decline-americas-middle-class

[8]And The Good Ship Greece Sails On: 'Letter' To An Italian Colleague
      8. http://b.rw/MJSxi8

Yanis Varoufakis | Yanis Varoufakis | 24 June 2012

"It is not that the members of our elites cannot see that Europe is
  like a train derailing in slow motion." They can see it, but they can't
  articulate a sensible policy response. So they hope for the best. And
  the lights go out [9]Comments
      9. http://thebrowser.com/articles/and-good-ship-greece-sails-letter-italian-colleague

[10]Psychotherapy And The Pursuit Of Happiness
      10. http://b.rw/Mna7Ko

Ronald Dworkin | New Atlantis | 25 June 2012

Psychotherapy used to be an intellectual movement, on fringes of
  science and philosophy. Its practitioners were authoritative, and
  distant from patients. Nowadays therapists are artificial friends for
  lonely people. What happened? [11]Comments
      11. http://thebrowser.com/articles/psychotherapy-and-pursuit-happiness

[12]The Manifest Destiny Of Artificial Intelligence
      12. http://b.rw/MBmLSz

Brian Hayes | American Scientist | 21 June 2012

Marvin Minsky, pioneer of artificial intelligence, believes original
  lofty goals of his field lie neglected. Will we bother making a truly
  intelligent machine? Or will the shallow technology in mindless
  machines prove too effective? [13]Comments
      13. http://thebrowser.com/articles/manifest-destiny-artificial-intelligence

[14]Spoiled Rotten
      14. http://b.rw/NrWqWo

Elizabeth Kolbert | New Yorker | 25 June 2012

"Contemporary American kids may represent the most indulged young
  people in the history of the world. This is a social experiment on a
  grand scale, and a growing number of adults fear that it isn’t working
  out so well" [15]Comments
      15. http://thebrowser.com/articles/spoiled-rotten

[16]Antifragile: Prologue
      16. http://b.rw/KKihfp

Nassim Nicholas Taleb | Fooled By Randonmness | 25 June 2012

First chapter from Taleb's new book. We live in an uncertain world. So
  learn to thrive on uncertainty. "Antifragility is beyond resilience or
  robustness: The resilient resists shocks and stays the same; the
  antifragile gets better" [17]Comments
      17. http://thebrowser.com/articles/antifragile-prologue

[18]Waiting Game
      18. http://b.rw/PNKu4h

Frank Partnoy | FT | 22 June 2012

Wonderful. On the value of procrastination, or what the game of tennis
  can teach us about decision making. "There is both an art and a science
  to managing delay." It's something we've become less skilled at in our
  high tech age [19]Comments
      19. http://thebrowser.com/articles/waiting-game

[20]The Morality Of The Invisible Hand
      20. http://b.rw/LgzkCp

Gertrude Himmelfarb | Standpoint | 27 June 2012

"The animating spirit of The Wealth of Nations is 'interest' or
  'self-love'; that of The Theory of Moral Sentiments is 'sympathy' or
  'fellow-feeling'." How should we approach this apparent contradiction
  in Adam Smith's writing? [21]Comments
      21. http://thebrowser.com/articles/morality-invisible-hand

FiveBooks Interview

[22]Eric Berkowitz on Sex and Society
      22. http://thebrowser.com/interviews/eric-berkowitz-on-sex-and-society

For thousands of years, human societies have tried to regulate sexual
  activity. The author of Sex and Punishment tells us why this should be
  so, and how what’s permissible has varied according to time and place
  [23]Read on
      23. http://thebrowser.com/interviews/eric-berkowitz-on-sex-and-society

Featured Topic

[24]Women and the Workplace
      24. http://thebrowser.com/reports/women-and-workplace

Women in the West may be slowly winning the battle for workplace
  equality. But at what price? [25]Read on
      25. http://thebrowser.com/reports/women-and-workplace

Reader Recommendations

@davehill77 The Battle for the Soul of Occupy Wall Street
  [26]t.co/50XcyrAL [27]#browsings [28]More like this
      26. http://t.co/50XcyrAL
      27. https://twitter.com/search?q=#browsings
      28. http://thebrowser.com/browsings

Book of the Week

[29]Book of the Day
      29. http://thebrowser.com/recommended/f-scott-fitzgerald-by-matthew-j-bruccoli-editor

[30]F Scott Fitzgerald by Matthew J Bruccoli (editor)
      30. http://thebrowser.com/recommended/f-scott-fitzgerald-by-matthew-j-bruccoli-editor

[31]Sarah Churchwell says: If you really want to understand Fitzgerald
  you need to hear his own voice. What I love about this book is that it
  clearly conveys his sense of humour [32]FiveBooks Archive
      31. http://thebrowser.com/recommended/f-scott-fitzgerald-by-matthew-j-bruccoli-editor
      32. http://thebrowser.com/fivebooks

Video of the Week

[33]Should We Pay Children To Read?
      33. http://thebrowser.com/videos/should-we-pay-children-read

Philosopher Michael Sandel on topics from his book, "What Money Can't
  Buy" [34]More videos
      34. http://thebrowser.com/videos

Quote of the Week

[35]Jay Rosen, on pragmatism
      35. http://pressthink.org/2012/06/covering-wicked-problems

"Our knowledge advances not when we have the best theory, or the
    best data, or the best lab, but when we have really good problems"

[36]More quotes
      36. http://thebrowser.com/quotations

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