Weekly newsletter 7
Best of the Week
[1]The Secret Sharer
1. http://b.rw/iz407A
Jane Mayer | New Yorker | 15 May 2011
Is Thomas Drake an enemy of the state? He faces some of the gravest charges
that can be brought against a US citizen. Under the espionage act. For
blowing the whistle on financial waste, bureaucratic dysfunction. Really?
2. http://thebrowser.com/articles/secret-sharer
[3]Chilling Story Of Genius In A Land Of Chronic Unemployment
3. http://b.rw/luP1Yx
Sarah Lacy | Techcrunch | 15 May 2011
Meet the "Yahoo boys" of Nigeria, successors of the 419 scammers. Astounding
computer skills, masters of human manipulation. New con involves online
dating. "We use our brains to get what we want. For us it’s the only way to
live" [4]Comments
4. http://thebrowser.com/articles/chilling-story-genius-land-chronic-unemployment
[5]Arabs And The Long Revolution
5. http://b.rw/kNvPwp
Brian Whitaker | Al-Bab | 19 May 2011
Superb analysis of the Arab uprisings. It's not about ideology, party
politics. It's about changing society, reclaiming citizenship. Regimes can
suppress immediate threats but forces driving this change are ultimately
unstoppable [6]Comments
6. http://thebrowser.com/articles/arabs-and-long-revolution
[7]How Power Corrupts
7. http://b.rw/lyXYGk
Jonah Lehrer | Frontal Cortex | 18 May 2011
People in a position of authority appear to lose their natural sympathy for
others; strange, when it's often that same sympathy that got them their
authority in the first place. This is what's known as the Paradox of Power
8. http://thebrowser.com/articles/how-power-corrupts
[9]Experimental Physics And The Limits Of Human Knowledge
9. http://b.rw/k7UKfL
Rolf-Dieter Heuer | The European | 17 May 2011
Man who oversees CERN research laboratories talks candidly on the Higgs
Boson particle, the relationship between science and belief, the nature of
scientific proof and whether human brains are equipped to comprehend the
universe [10]Comments
10. http://thebrowser.com/articles/experimental-physics-and-limits-human-knowledge
[11]And I Should Know
11. http://b.rw/ilTd9t
Roseanne Barr | New York Mag | 15 May 2011
Like or loathe her old sitcom, she tells a good story about battles with
producers, studio execs and agents. And how fame affected her. To say
nothing of the time George Clooney attacked a chocolate cake with a baseball
bat for her [12]Comments
12. http://thebrowser.com/articles/and-i-should-know
[13]Roast Chicken For Two, A Recipe
13. http://b.rw/ifgB0z
Michael Ruhlman | Slate | 18 May 2011
Step one: Preheat oven. Step two: Wash chicken. Step three: Have sex with
your partner. "And I'm not speaking with tongue in cheek. I'm strongly and
earnestly recommending you make sex part of the routine of cooking". Here's
why [14]Comments
14. http://thebrowser.com/articles/roast-chicken-two-recipe
[15]The Price Of Gold
15. http://b.rw/lPm2SN
Robin Hammond | Robin Hammond Blog | 17 May 2011
Stunning photo essay of Zimbabwean gold mining. Discovery of gold saves
lives in a desperately poor country. But the search can kill too, with
miners regularly sifting through toxic mercury deep underground. (Auto-play
slideshow) [16]Comments
16. http://thebrowser.com/articles/price-gold
FiveBooks Interview
[17]Lawrence F Kaplan on US Intervention
17. http://thebrowser.com/interviews/lawrence-f-kaplan-on-us-intervention
The foreign affairs commentator explains why US presidents have less room to
manoeuvre on foreign policy than they think, and why President Obama has had
to set aside his “minimalist” inclinations
Featured Topic
[18]Russia and the FSU
18. http://thebrowser.com/topics/russia
From the war in Chechnya to the murky depths of the KGB archive. Everything
you need to know (well, nearly everything) about Russia's past and present
Book of the Week
[19]Le Fil de l'Epée by Charles de Gaulle
19. http://thebrowser.com/recommended/le-fil-de-lepée-by-charles-de-gaulle
[20]Michael Palliser says: Short and written in the early 1930s, this is a
fascinating exposition of how a great leader has to behave. And it exactly
describes how he did behave. in his leadership of France some 10 years later
20. http://thebrowser.com/interviews/michael-palliser-on-diplomacy
Reader Recommendations
@emustich RT @Salon When I fell for a doomsday prophecy [21]bit.ly/lBCZLp
21. http://bit.ly/lBCZLp
22. https://twitter.com/search?q=#browsings
Video of the Week
[23]Two Minutes Of Trump
23. http://thebrowser.com/videos/two-minutes-trump
That's two too many, you say?
Quote of the Week
[24]LA restaurant owner, on Humphrey Bogart
24. http://www.lrb.co.uk/v33/n10/jenny-diski/a-bout-de-bogart
"Bogart’s a hell of a nice guy until around 11.30 p.m. After that, he
thinks he’s Bogart"
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