Big Memes

Our London Walking Tours begin next week with a light city ramble tracing the legacy of the Great Fire and Christopher Wren – please do join us.

The Big Here Quiz

Kevin Kelly | Technium | 15th February 2022

List of 34 universal question intended to make you more conscious of your place in the larger system of your environment. It invites consideration of issues that are often deliberately avoided, such as "where does your garbage go?" and "where does the pollution in your air come from?" as well as data points like tides and moon phases. Best of all is the first on the list: "Point north" (713 words)

The Omnipotence Of Dream Memes

ML Kejera | New Inquiry | 10th February 2022

Connecting a niche community on Reddit with the early 20C surrealist movement. Members of the r/thomastheplankengine forum document the extent to which the visual language of the internet has entered their subconscious by creating and sharing the memes they see in their dreams, which they call "planks". This mirrors the "psychic automatism" proposed by André Breton (2,007 words)


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Podcast: Voice Lessons | The Harper’s Podcast. Erudite conversation about inner voices, with a focus on research about the ways that athletes can internalise the vocalisations of their coaches (42m 19s)

Video: Mitarashi Dango From Demon Slayer | Youtube | Alvin Zhou. Nicely filmed tutorial on how to make a glazed rice dumplings snack. Includes an unsuccessful experiment with indoor charcoal grilling (7m 30s)

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