Bog Shows

Readers in London are warmly invited to join us tomorrow, Weds 17th January, for a chocolate tasting event with our fabulous friends at CocoaRunners. Meet fellow Browser readers and learn how flavour works. Tickets are ÂŁ10 with code BROWSER10.

So You Wanna De-Bog Yourself

Adam Mastroianni | Experimental History | 2nd January 2024

Being intellectually stuck is “the psychological equivalent of standing knee-deep in a fetid bog”. When this happens, it may feel like “a bespoke bog”, but in fact there are recurring patterns. This writer has names for them all. Perhaps you are “gutterballing”, or “hedgehogging”, “puppeteering” or “declining the dragon”. The silly names help with pulling yourself out, apparently (3,800 words)

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Podcast: How Panel Shows Really Work | The Rest Is Entertainment. A long-time TV insider (Richard Osman) and a TV critic (Marina Hyde) answer common questions about how the entertainment we consume is made and how much of apparently “unscripted” content is really scripted in advance (35m 29s)

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