Five Books Newsletter 20

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This week's interview

STAFF PICKS: Sophie Roell on Summer Reads

With summer upon us, it’s time to get a good set of books together to go on holiday. Five Books editor Sophie Roell kicks off our occasional “Staff Picks” feature by choosing books that might be good to read down at the beach or under a vine draped pergola in Italy.

Books of the Week"Masterman decided that it was in the public interest to publish this book. Many criticised him very vociferously for doing so."

Ben Macintyre on Spies ("You turn over a couple of pages and you can’t wait to start cooking."

Diane Seed on Mediterranean Cooking (–-hollywood-film-making-studio-era-by-thomas-schatz"Film theory was dominated for many years by the idea of the visionary auteur, who managed, in the hell of Hollywood’s studio system, to nonetheless produce amazing work."

Jane Root on Where Good Ideas Come From ("It wasn’t an expedition in our sense of the word. Rather, it was the longest ski race in the world."

Roland Huntford on Polar Exploration ("Summer Lightning is a detective story crossed with a romantic farce. It’s set in Blandings Castle, Wodehouse’s famous fictional country idyll."

Sophie Ratcliffe on PG Wodehouse ("It turns out that already at age four, you can predict with about 77 per cent accuracy who is going to graduate from high school."

David Brooks on Neuroscience (

Quote of the Week

"A lot of people believe that the language that you speak alters your thought in really profound and deep ways. It’s one of the most common themes of the 20th century...but it turned out not to be true.'"
Robert Lane Greene on Language and the Mind (

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