Five Books Newsletter 35

This week's interview

Tim Crane on Metaphysics

It's abstract and not everyone's cup of tea but, in many ways, inescapable. Cambridge University philosopher Tim Crane introduces the best books on metaphysics.

Books of the Week“I am an economist today because of this book.”

Daniel Hamermesh on Economics is Fun (“He loves being the bride, a beautiful woman, putting on the veil and having flowers in his hair.”

Amber Dermont on Teenage Misadventure (“The concluding line of the book is the best line ever written about US foreign policy.”

Gideon Rose on US Foreign Policy (“This is very much the War and Peace of China.”

Chris Livaccari on Books every Chinese Language Learner Should Read (“It was a critique of consumerism, but particularly a critique of consumerism by the very wealthy. Veblen coined the phrase 'conspicuous consumption'”

Robert Reich on Saving Capitalism and Democracy (

Quote of the Week

"Technology has allowed us to outsource our memories. To some extent, we’ve forgotten how to remember.”
Joshua Foer on Memory (