Allergic America

Modernity Has Made Us Allergic

Theresa MacPhail | Noema | 8th August 2023

You are not imagining it: allergies are much more common now. Our pets also get them, unlike animal species that do not live with us — a clue that "we are at least partially doing this to ourselves" with our hygiene and diet. Nobody is certain exactly what the problem is, though. Likely theories: our homes are too clean, our food production too industrialised and our lives too sedentary (7,410 words)

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One Week In America

Monet P. Thomas | From Monet With Love | 7th August 2023

One of the best genres of personal newsletter to develop on the Tinyletter is the serialised travelogue, told through sporadic updates that feel like receiving postcards from a kindly stranger. This one is well worth your time. It reads best cumulatively, as intended, but this entry about a return to the US after three years living through Covid-19 in Beijing is a good starting point (700 words)

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