Blue Black

Blue Zone Distraction

Cremieux Recueil | 26th August 2024

Blue Zones — geographical regions that supposedly have the world’s most long-lived people — are dubious. Whether it’s Sardinia, Okinawa, or Greece, the numbers of old people are wrong, due to census mistakes or “pension fraudsters”. These errors propagate false claims about the benefits of wine-drinking or plant-based diets. Researchers seriously interested in longevity must look for better data (2,200 words)

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Measuring The Black Death

Saloni Dattani | Asimov Press | 25th August 2024

For a cataclysmic event that reordered European society, there is little certainty about how many people died during the Black Death. Estimates suggest between 40 and 60 percent of the population. Parish records or tax registries are unreliable proxies for mortality as they exclude a majority of the population. From tuberculosis to Covid-19, “many modern examples reveal a similar struggle to track deaths” (3,100 words)

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