Captain Counsel

'We’re Going To Follow Captain Cook'

Suzanne Heywood | Guardian | 25th March 2023

Gripping account of an adventurous childhood that was not nearly as exciting as it seemed. The author's family set out on what was meant to be a three-year circumnavigation by sail when she was seven. Nine years later, they were still at sea, despite a near shipwreck in the Indian Ocean and the fact that their daughter had needed seven cranial surgeries on a small island to survive (5,587 words)

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Presidential Counsel

George Washington | Lapham's Quarterly | 13th March 2023

Extract from The Rules of Civility and Decent Behaviour in Company and Conversation, compiled by a 13-year-old future president in 1744. Includes such timeless advice as "talk not with meat in your mouth", "be not tedious in discourse", "eat not in the streets", "play not the peacock" and "labour to keep alive in your breast that little spark of celestial fire called conscience" (1,447 words)

Be not tedious in discourse: always have something interesting to share. The full Browser sends five outstanding articles, a video and a podcast daily.