Danger Myth

Danger On The Divide

Maggie Slepian | Longreads | 15th August 2024

Cautionary tale of cycling trip gone wrong along the “Divide” — a 2700-mile-long route on dirt roads crossing New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, and Montana. “I had spent countless nights in the woods adjusting my relationship to danger. But no matter how desensitised we had become, the more time spent in the woods, the more of a numbers game you play with injury, weather, wildlife, exposure” (5,500 words)

The Myth Of Simple Truths

Scott Aiken & Robert Talisse | 3 Quarks Daily | 4th January 2016

“So much political commentary seems to proceed by means of debate rather than report. Rather than presenting facts and professing a view, commentators present views concerning the views of their opponents. Despite heated disagreements over Big Questions like healthcare, abortion, race relations and global warming, we find a surprising consensus about the nature of political disagreement itself” (900 words)

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