Deep Work
Rapture Of The Deep
Gary Smith | SI Vault | 16th June 2003
Gripping throughout. The triumphs and tragedies of free-diving. Pipín Ferreras is the world free-diving champion. Audrey Mestre loves him and wants to emulate him — even outdo him. Sustained only by the breath in her lungs, she will dive to 571 feet, a new world record. On the day, a storm is brewing. Pipín frets. But Audrey must dive. "She took a final breath of air, and vanished" (8,100 words)
Automation Of Work
Benedict Evans | 2nd July 2023
As coal-powered steam engines became more efficient in the 19th century, the result was not a decrease in coal consumption, but a vast increase in the usage of steam-power, and thus of coal. Likewise, as automation has made office work more efficient in the past century, so the scope and scale of office jobs has multiplied. It will be the same with AI. Work expands to fill technology available (3,100 words)