Ocean Reviews

An Ocean Of Earth

Justin E.H. Smith | Hinternet | 13th November 2022

Lyrical, surprising and "mostly true" history of the Russian Empire. "Turkey, Russia, and for a while Germany too, had no ocean to cross in their own territorial expansions, and curiously this circumstance has made it easy for at least one of these latter empires to 'hide' itself with surprising success. The reason Russia is so big is because most of it is not Russia" (7,514 words)

Strangely Beautiful Google Reviews

Will McCarthy | Longreads | 3rd January 2023

An old-fashioned internet article, which invites the reader to marvel at the infinite variety of humanity. Several of those highlighted here contain entire novels: “She butchered my Pomeranian I would not recommend” (Laurie’s Gentle Pet Grooming); “Unknowingly purchased sick Nigerian dwarf goats” (Hilltop Goat & Sheep Auction); and “Didn’t enjoy, too much water” (the Bering Sea) (3,313 words)

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