Fake Buildings

Philosophy And Fake Hair

Richard Halpern | CUP Blog | 30th August 2023

Leibniz wore a wig so extravagant that it resembled a poodle asleep on his head. He moved in high society and followed fashion. But posterity prefers plainness in philosophers. "If we no longer demand that our philosophers be poor, we expect at least a certain slovenliness — a sign that their attention is directed elsewhere, upon more fundamental matters, and not on their appearance"  (1,280 words)

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Holes In Buildings

Graham McKay | Misfit Architecture | 27th August 2023

On the economics of what architects call "sky courtyards" — big holes punched through buildings to make facades more fun. After Miami Vice showcased Arquitectonica's Atlantis condo in 1982, everybody wanted a hole. "The downside of these holes is that they can’t be sold full-price. The upside is that being seen to not monetise every possible cubic metre is an indicator of prestige" (1,900 words)

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