Guest Newsletter: Five Books

Five Books features in-depth author interviews recommending five books on a theme. You can read more interviews on the site, or sign up for the newsletter.

The Best Books On Running

Success in running could be narrowly defined in terms of performance or more broadly as part of leading a good life, argues runner and ethics professor Sabrina Little. She recommends some of her favourite books on running, from the role models that inspired her to tales of what not to do.

Notable Novels Of Summer 2024

Another year, another summer stretching out before us... another reading dilemma? Five Books deputy editor Cal Flyn offers a succinct round-up of the novels that should be on your radar in the summer of 2024: highly anticipated works of fiction from well-known literary figures and 'breakout' books that have quickly amassed significant critical attention – to guide you on your way. Read more

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