Guest Newsletter: Five Books

Five Books features in-depth author interviews recommending five books on a theme. You can read more interviews on the site, or sign up for the newsletter.

Notable Nonfiction Books of Mid-2024

From a dynasty that ruled ancient Egypt to the 1986 space shuttle disaster, from the fight to get rich from spices in the 16th century to making billions from bankrupt countries in the 21st century, Five Books editor Sophie Roell gives an overview of the new nonfiction books that have appeared since April. Read more

The Best Dystopian Novels

Dystopian novels are a form of speculative fiction that imagines a future in which disastrous forces—political, technological or climatological—have changed the world for good. Sometimes these changes might be cataclysmic, leaving society struggling to survive. Other times the changes might be more subtle; these books imagine near-futures in which the consequences of one or two small changes spiral outwards. Read more

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