Animals Hatred

Home Is Where The Hatred Is

Damian Le Bas | Literary Review | 1st August 2023

Discussion of Roma history and culture, with reference to recent books by Klaus-Michel Bogdal and Jeremy Harte. "The key places in our history are the places where we congregate today: Horse fairs, races, christenings, weddings, funerals, camps, stopping places, pubs that are happy to serve us and – too often, alas – jail. A history of an outlawed culture is bound to be a history of outlaws" (1,600 words)

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We Are All Animals At Night

Lana Hall | Hazlitt | 12th July 2023

Gripping account of life and work in a massage parlour, as told by a writer who made her living from sex work for five years: Three to six twelve-hour shifts a week, 2pm to 2am, mostly spent "waiting around, wondering how much money you will — or won’t — make". The job was "unbearably tangible at times", but the world felt quieter and simpler in the small hours of the night (3,240 words)

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