Iliad Dream

Review: The Iliad

Phil Hazelden | A Reasonable Approximation | 18th June 2024

First time reader reviews his experience, which was not favourable. "It feels blasphemous, but by modern standards I don't think the Iliad is very good. Sorry Homer." There are a lot of long lists and dull battle commentary. Why is it a classic? Not for the quality of entertainment it offers, but because it provides a "window into the past". Read it with "copious historical notes" (3,600 words)

Apostrophe’s Dream

Yiyun Li | Dial | 4th June 2024

Short fiction, in the form of a dialogue between "a small cluster of movable type, all of them punctuation marks" that lives together in a typesetter's drawer. The type is trying to determine what their collective noun is. "A hope of punctuation marks. A love of punctuation marks. A solidarity of punctuation marks. An empowerment of punctuation marks," the comma suggests (2,500 words)

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