Intellectual Lessons

Intellectual Menopause

Venkatesh Rao | Ribbonfarm | 15th August 2024 | U

“An individual disease that men of particular temperaments and age range (40-50) are vulnerable to. I see intellectual menopause everywhere I look, draining vitality in discourses, leading to predictably stale and lazy patterns of argumentation. I see a sheer lack of fun — and its substitution by a resentful and dolorous glee. You might even call what’s going on an early-onset intellectual pandemic” (6,400 words)

Lessons From Singapore

Eric Feigenbaum | 3 Quarks Daily | 16th August 2024 | U

In 1965, Singapore had a 27% homeownership rate. Founding father Lee Kuan Yew wanted to create a “home-owning society” where every citizen would have “a stake in the country and its future”. He adopted a three-pronged approach: create affordable housing; make financing available for all classes; help people gather down-payments. In three decades, 90% of all Singaporeans became homeowners (2,600 words)

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