Invisible Brawl

Invisible Landscapes

Jennifer Brandel | Orion | 16th November 2023

On the discovery of a new human organ. The interstitium is a sponge-like layer that lies just beneath the skin, where fluid rushes through "a fractal, honeycombed network" that supports musculature and carries cells and information around the body. It can be seen with the naked eye during surgery, but was overlooked by a scientific approach that preferred isolated objects to systems (2,900 words)

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The Great Poets’ Brawl Of ‘68

Nick Ripatrazone | LitHub | 29th November 2023

The 1968 World Poetry Conference was notable for how quickly it turned violent. "The poets battled on Long Island. Drinks spilled into the grass. Punches were flung; some landed. Chilean and French poets stood on a porch and laughed while the Americans brawled. A glass table shattered. Bloody-nosed poets staggered into the coming darkness. Allen Ginsberg fell to his knees and prayed" (1,500 words)

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