Jingle and Shrek

Where would you read about terrible Christmas songs and over-analyses of Shrek if not The Browser? And how would we do it without excellent readers like you? So go on, buy yourself a yearly Browser subscription (and get an additional one-year Browser gift subscription for a friend, absolutely free).

Jingle Hell

Tariq Goddard | Quietus | 6th December 2021

Curmudgeonly reviews of the latest festive releases by a disappointed music critic. Full of excellent insults, such as: "When it comes to meaningless trimmings and po-faced renditions that pack the emotional punch of the narrator in a building society advert, Gary Barlow is in his undisputed element, dispassionately attending to every commercial angle like a sniper covering a burning building" (2,929 words)

The Scholarly Pursuit Of Shrek

Jamie Loftus | Paste | 8th December 2021

Stream of consciousness account about spending seven hours at an online academic symposium about the Shrek films. The writer learns a surprising amount about the green ogre's shapeshifting role on the extremist internet, but realises that this kind of ironic over-analysis of popular culture has definitely gone too far. "I think we sometimes fail to see that not everything is something" (4,768 words)


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Caroline Crampton, Editor-In-Chief; Robert Cottrell, Founding Editor; Jodi Ettenberg, Associate Editor; Uri Bram, CEO & Publisher; Al Breach, Founding Director

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