Kitchen Chair

All The Kitchen’s A Stage

Jaya Saxena | Eater | 5th June 2023

Chefs, like actors, now have to put on a show for their public. The open-kitchen concept pioneered by Wolfgang Puck has infiltrated all levels of the restaurant industry. No longer is it only short-order cooks at fast food outlets and street stalls who fry in front of the customers. A view of the chef at work amid his burners has become an expected part of fine dining across America (1,720 words)

Buy Me A Chair

Paul Musgrave | Systematic Hatreds | 15th August 2023

The perfect gift for a bookish friend: Their name on a university professorship. You can find the prices online, and, as a form of immortality, these naming rights seem quite cheap. UCLA wants $5m for "an endowed chair that creates a new position", $2m for a chair that "supplements an existing position". Duke asks $3.5m for a full chair, $2m for a head coach "other than football or basketball” (1,200 words)

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