Leisure Law

The Most Dangerous Law In America

Joseph Nunn | Democracy Journal | 13th June 2024

“The Insurrection Act is a nuclear bomb hidden in the United States Code”, giving the President unrestrained authority to use the military to quell “domestic revolts”. Deeply mistrustful of the use of the military against their own citizens, the Founders struck a balance by giving Congress the power to regulate the military. This, and other guardrails against a rogue President have been gradually eroded (5,700 words)

Research As Leisure Activity

Celine Nguyen | Personal Canon | 27th May 2024

“It's fundamentally personal, a style of research well-suited for people okay with being dilettantes, who are comfortable with an idiosyncratic, non-comprehensive education in a particular domain. It’s fine, and even better, if the topic isn’t explicitly intellectual or academic in nature. Research as leisure activity is exuberantly undisciplined, and isn’t constrained by disciplinary fiefdoms and schisms” (4,000 words)

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