Lost Rain

The Lost History Of Sextus Aurelius Victor

Justin Stover & George Woudhuysen | Antigone | 23rd September 2023

Bibliographic mystery, solved. Historians have never understood why 4C sources enthused about Victor's short history of Rome when the surviving text is extremely underwhelming. But what if that was just a "scrappy epitome", or abstract, of the full, masterful work that had been mislabelled down the centuries? Its rediscovery will "transform our knowledge of the Roman past" (3,950 words)

How Rain Works In Video Games

Nicole Carpenter | Polygon | 26th September 2023

Insight into how game developers create realistic meteorological effects without involving so many moving pixels that your "computer melts through the floor". Each character has an individual rain cloud that follows them everywhere; weather doesn't exist anywhere beyond the player's field of vision. A well-designed downpour will appear torrential with very few moving raindrops (700 words)

Enjoy a torrent of good reading: five outstanding articles, a video and a podcast, arriving every day like well-designed personal weather.

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