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Notes From An Island

Tove Jansson and Tuulikki Pieitilä | Granta | 4th October 2021 | U

Extract from a book by the Moomins creator and her partner about a stay in their cabin on an outcrop of rock in the Gulf of Finland. In this passage, they are waiting for the ice that surrounds them on all sides to crack up. "Unbelievable tabernacles floated by, driven by a mild south-west breeze, statuesque, glittering, as big as trolleys, cathedrals, primeval caverns, everything imaginable!" (854 words)

?: Free, by Lea Ypi

via Five Books | 2021 Baillie Gifford Prize Shortlist

Highly personal account by a professor of political theory of growing up in Albania, the last Stalinist redoubt in Europe, and her mixed feelings as it turned to liberal democracy. “Now, with free and fair elections, everything was different. Nobody would care if we voted or not. Everyone lingered in bed, as if they were still deciding whether it was worth disrupting one’s sleep to go to the polls” (336 pages)


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Caroline Crampton, Editor-In-Chief; Robert Cottrell, Founding Editor; Jodi Ettenberg, Associate Editor; Raymond Douglas, Associate Editor; Uri Bram, CEO & Publisher; Al Breach, Founding Director

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