Naming River

The Naming Of America

Jonathan Cohen | The American Voice | 1988

Why is America called "America"? Not necessarily because of its "discovery" by Amerigo Vespucci. "To hear the African in the Mayan iq' amaq'el; to hear the Scandinavian Ommerike, as well as Amteric, and the Algonquin Em-erika; to hear Saint Emeric of Hungary; to hear Armorica, the ancient Gaulish name meaning place by the sea; and to hear the English official, Amerik..." (5,600 words)

The River Rukarara

Scholastique Mukasonga | Paris Review | 2nd October 2024 | U

Rwandan author's memoir of her home river, a magical waterway whose protections followed her into exile. "We, the older ones, who were born near the river were inoculated against all sorts of ailments, most evil spells, and all the poisons with which the envious would season our food; we might even avoid some of the inevitable misfortunes that weaved the fabric of every life" (5,000 words)

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