People Power

Will We Ever Get Fusion Power?

Brian Potter | Construction Physics | 26th June 2024

Probably not, and even if we do it will inevitably be much more expensive than the alternatives. "By the time a reactor is ready, if it ever is, no one will even want it." But that's not a good reason to stop trying. None of the low-carbon technology we will use to generate energy in the future exists yet. All the options are speculative to some degree. Placing lots of bets is the best way to ensure success (8,200 words

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What Happened To People Magazine?

Anne Helen Petersen | Culture Study | 19th June 2024

The decline of People is a case study for the ruination of the media industry. Founded in 1974, it began with the promise to combine the "established journalistic rigour of Time" with "extraordinary stories about ordinary people" who could be the president or your neighbour. Then a series of acquisitions in the 21C turned it into something resembling "a weird SEO farm" (3,000 words)

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