Plan 911

My Lifetime Reading Plan

Ted Gioia | Honest Broker | 29th April 2023

Tips for self-education. Be prepared to spend a lot of time reading. Read out loud to yourself. Read one or two long and challenging books a year, even if you don't want to. Some writers — like Proust — need to be read slowly; a few pages a day will add up. When young, read classics, and then when old read whatever is new. Keep lists. Design your plan to please yourself and nobody else (3,155 words)

Prepared to spend a lot of time reading? Dedicate it to the best. To keep you abreast of the finest new thought, the full Browser recommends five outstanding articles, a video and a podcast daily.

'Sir, You Do Realise I Am 911?'

Jaime Lowe | Los Angeles Review Of Books | 1st May 2023

Who helps the helpers? Dealing with California's worsening wildfires is taking a toll on firefighters. The professionals are already being pushed to their limits. For the state prisoners who are "on the front lines of the climate crisis" for just a few dollars a day, the work is "nearly impossible". They are not considered real firefighters, and so have no access to compensation or assistance (2,341 words)