Spiral Lab

Vicious Spiral Of Inequality

Valentino Larcinese & Alberto Parmigiani | LPE Project | 7th February 2024

Is income inequality compatible with democracy? Old question, addressed anew by analysing the effects of Reagan’s 1986 tax reforms on political donations. This suggests that policies generate politics, not the other way around. Changes that make the rich richer allow them to spend more on contributions to politicians who then protect wealth. A summary of a longer paper, available in PDF (950 words)

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Nuclear Lab On A Serial-Killer Case

Sarah Scoles | Undark | 9th February 2024 | U

The Forensic Science Center at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory — “the lab of last resort” — investigates samples that are too difficult or dangerous to be studied elsewhere. The staff officially develop and maintain nuclear weapons, but in this case they invented a new process for detecting chemicals in the human body and thus helped to convict a respiratory therapist who was killing his patients (1,900 words)

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