Squad Blog

Oligarchs Vs The UK Fraud Squad

Tom Burgis | Guardian | 12th September 2024

Financial thriller. A private detective takes a case, investigating an attack on a geologist who died when his car was set alight and became a raging fireball. The trail leads into the murky financial affairs of a mining multinational and an alleged case of bribery and fraud over a mine acquisition in Congo. The oligarchs involved took on the UK's Serious Fraud Office — and they have triumphed (9,000 words)

How To Monetise A Blog

Tyler | Modem | 6th September 2024

Don't be fooled by the asinine title. The very format of this article is a clever piece of satire about the parlous state of the ad-supported internet. Once the text flips sideways, the banners close in, and you have clicked "no" on a push notifications pop up for the fifth time, you have entered the doom-spiral of internet commerce and there is no escape. Just keep scrolling, if you dare (3,100 words)

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