Try Vanishing

You Don't Have To Be A Try Guy

Freddie deBoer | 3rd September 2024

Polemic on the state of masculinity. The idea of a "good man" has devolved into a forced binary of predators on one hand and faux infantilism on the other. What if it's neither? "A decent man does not have to put on an elaborate performance of being sexless and unthreatening towards women, in part because he understands that such a performance is no guarantor of safety at all" (3,700 words)

A Vanishing World

Patrick Joyce | LitHub | 28th February 2024

Europe's peasants have all but vanished. Where did they go? Into cities and suburbs, both at home and abroad, largely. The surprising part is, perhaps, how recently this happened. This writer looks at photographs of his Irish cousins. "The size of their hands is apparent, the sign of those who work the land. They lean on blackthorn sticks, which they will have fashioned with these hands" (3,500 words

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