Work Patterns

Things That Don't Work

Dynomight | 21st March 2024

Things, big and small, that don't work for most people, with links to sources. Interesting throughout. Mundane entries include: dieting, explaining board games, telling jokes, multivitamins, acupuncture and elegant mathematical notation. Bigger concepts fall under the same heading, such as "wanting to be liked", communism, picking stocks and "religion without the G word"(1,600 words)

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How to discover and consume 6,500+ podcast episodes without subscribing to any podcasts? Wenbin Fang shares his episode-centric listening approach with Listen Notes.

Interaction Patterns Across Platforms

Walter Quattrociocchi et al | Nature | 20th March 2024

This comparative analysis of online conversations on different platforms over the course of thirty years reveals that the contemporary orthodoxy that the internet has never been a more horrible place is not necessarily correct. Levels of toxicity are consistent across all platforms, subjects and through time. Begs the question: is the problem human beings, rather than the tools they use? (10,000 words)

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