World Temple

On Sundays, Browser readers receive a special edition with puzzles, poems, books, charts, music and more - plus selections from our decade-plus archive of the finest writing on the internet. Here's a taste of this week's edition.

Book Of The Week

An Immense World
Ed Yong | Random House | June 2022

Recommended by Barbara King at NPR:
"Yong invites readers to grasp something of how other animals experience the world, bringing into beautiful focus a host of sensory worlds that co-exist with ours, and how we may protect them. He has synthesized and compellingly presented a spectacular amount of scientific information to do this, making it look easy along the way. But isn't easy at all. It's a magnificent achievement"

Chart Of The Week

The Temple Of Time, by Emma Willard

"From the 1820s through the Civil War, Emma Willard’s history and geography textbooks exposed an entire generation of students to her deeply patriotic narratives. She sought to invest chronology with a sense of perspective, presenting the biblical Creation as the apex of a triangle that then flowed forward in time and space toward the viewer" — Public Domain Review

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