Newsletter 40

Hic sunt camelopardus: this historical edition of The Browser is presented for archaeological purposes; links and formatting may be broken.

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[2]Another Culture War? No Thanks
Brink Lindsey | American Prospect | 2 July 2010
Agenda-setting attack on right-wing free-market populism, from a right-wing
intellectual perspective. Small government no guarantee of free markets.
Welfare spending a product of demograhics, not ideology
[3]Will Times Paywall Work?
John Naughton | Guardian | 4 July 2010
Rival publishers strongly doubt that Rupert Murdoch can make money by
charging for general content. But they are muting their scepticism, because
they desperately hope his experiment succeeds
[4]Phone Call From The Census
David Cowan | Who Has Time For This? | 1 July 2010
Verbatim of New Yorker's telephone conversation with census taker. Funny,
though less so for the parties conducting the conversation. May result in
population of Upper East side being overstated by 12,0000
[5]Selling The Most Expensive Vintage Ever
Jancis Robinson | 3 July 2010
Authoritative overview of the marketing of Bordeaux wine from 2009. Up close
for non-oenophiles but still interesting. Some chateaux sold out within 30
minutes, months before the wine even reaches the bottles
[6]Dispatch From 'Legenderry'
Matthew Engel | FT | 3 July 2010
Ulster's second city is still segregated, even its name remains contentious.
But writer struck by good nature of "the largest place I have ever been
where a stranger has nodded a good morning to me in the city centre"
[7]Goodbye To The Old Gasbag
Michael Grunwald | Time | 2 July 2010
Brutal obituary of Senator Robert Byrd, which doesn't attempt to relativise
his racism, nor wink at his pork-barrelling. "An imperious and egomaniacal
reactionary, an anachronism in a three-piece suit"
[8]Inside A Psychopath's Brain
Barbara Bradley Hagerty | NPR | 30 June 2010
Are brains of psychopaths physically abnormal, and what are the implications
for criminal justice if they are? Will brain scans become as common in court
cases as DNA testing? Second in three-part series, all worth reading
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[9]ON OUR SISTER SITE, FIVEBOOKS.COM: This week's theme—Money

About [10]The Browser: _Editor_, [11]Robert Cottrell; _Managing
Partner_, [12]Al Breach. Please [13]write to us if you would like to make a
comment on the site, or suggest a link.
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