Newsletter 79

Hic sunt camelopardus: this historical edition of The Browser is presented for archaeological purposes; links and formatting may be broken.

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   Cintra Wilson | Out | 18 August 2010
   Meet Alex and Erastes, two women of a certain age living conventional
   family lives in Cambridgeshire, and writing erotic man-on-man fiction
   for other women
 * [3]
   Does the Past Exist Yet?
   Robert Lanza | HuffPost | 18 August 2010
   Fanciful extrapolation of principles of quantum physics to macro world.
   "Historical events, such as who killed JFK, might depend on events that
   haven't occurred yet"
 * [4]
   Inside A Knockoff Factory
   Nicholas Schmidle | NYT | 21 August 2010
   informative exploration of counterfeit goods industry, starting at
   factory in China which ships fake Nikes, promising: "the only difference
   is the smell of the glue"
 * [5]
   Best Hangman Words
   Jon McLoone | Wolfram Blog | 13 August 2010
   As identified by a serious geek. So expect algorithms, game theory,
   Monte Carlo analysis, and a Nash equilibrium or two. Spoiler: "jazz"
   wins for most game sizes
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[6]ON OUR SISTER SITE, FIVEBOOKS.COM: This week's theme-[7]Journeys.

About [8]The Browser: _Editor_, [9]Robert Cottrell; _Managing
Partner_, [10]Al Breach. Please [11]write to us if you would like to make a
comment on the site, or suggest a link.
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