Newsletter 866

Hic sunt camelopardus: this historical edition of The Browser is presented for archaeological purposes; links and formatting may be broken.

Best of the Moment

Aleppo: How Syria Is Being Destroyed

Charles Glass | NYRB | 4 December 2012

Excellent despatch from Syria's biggest city. Earlier this year, the rebels burned the souks. Now they're looting factories, kidnapping for ransom, and imposing themselves on residents who've come to fear and loathe both sides Comments (

America's Hope Against Hope

Joseph Stiglitz | Project Syndicate | 6 December 2012

Stiglitz sizes up US economic position post-election, and suggests policy programme for next four years. He's not hopeful much of it will materialise though; more likely will be a muddling through with no major policy initiatives Comments (

Sick Man Of Africa

Richard Dowden | Spectator | 7 December 2012

Pity the Democratic Republic of Congo. While the rest of Africa steams ahead, Congo stays mired in problems of decades gone by. Corruption, brutality, incompetence. Kabila better than Mobutu was, but not nearly good enough Comments (

Greatest Hoodie Ever Made

Farhad Manjoo | Slate | 4 December 2012

That thing about jobs coming back to America. It isn't just Apple computers. Here's a man who's making great clothes in America, including a hoodie that lasts a lifetime. But, there again, his chief designer comes from Apple Comments (

Crockford's Club: How A Fishmonger Built A Gambling Hall And Bankrupted The British Aristocracy

Mike Dash | Smithsonian | 29 November 2012

Probably the London casino of choice for the 0.1%. Oozes wealth. Who knew it was founded by a cunning fishmonger, who specialised in relieving the aristocracy of their fortunes? He died the richest self-made man in England Comments (

Solving The Broken Crossword Puzzle Economy

Ben Tausig | The Awl | 7 December 2012

Crosswords are a big reason people still buy newspapers. But crossword constructors get a miserable deal. Typical rate: $100 per daily puzzle, $200 if it's the NYT. And no bylines, so no personal fame. How can they do better? Comments (

FiveBooks Interview


David Spiegelhalter on Statistics and Risk

Every statistic is the result of someone’s work, and we’d do well to ask ourselves why it was created. That way, says the statistician, we have a better chance of working out when dangers are being overstated and data misused Read on (


Sport's Violence Problem

Nobody wants to take away the thrill and drama of the NFL or NHL, but is middle age dementia an acceptable price for ex-players to pay?  Read on (

Reader Recommendations

polit2k (  RT @msgbi ( : Technology giants at war: Another game of thrones | The Economist @rszbt (   @polit2k (   @TeraEuro (  #browsings (!/search?q=#browsings)
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Book of the Day

Book of the Day (

The Bad Seed  by William March

Susan Gelman says ( : “This girl, who outwardly seems very sweet and innocent, in actuality is bad to the core. The idea is that your moral character can be in-born”
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Quote of the Day

Nicholas Kristof, on aid (

Schools have a better record of fighting terrorism than missiles do

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