Newsletter 901

Hic sunt camelopardus: this historical edition of The Browser is presented for archaeological purposes; links and formatting may be broken.

Best of the Moment

A Maid's Execution In Saudi Arabia

Basharat Peer | New Yorker | 11 January 2013

"On Wednesday, the Saudi Arabian government beheaded Rizana Nafeek, a Sri Lankan woman who had worked as a maid in the kingdom, holding her responsible for the death of the four-month-old baby of her employer." She was 17. The baby choked on its milk. She had no training in child care

More Interesting Grief: On Andrey Platonov

McKenzie Wark | LA Review Of Books | 11 January 2013

It's a hard sell. A short essay on a dead Russian writer you have probably never read. But give it a chance. Lots to enjoy here about politics, literature, and the way the two collided in Stalinist Russia. Arrive at the end with that pleasing feeling of having learned something new

Trail of Bullets Leads From Africa To Iran

C.J. Chivers | New York Times | 11 January 2013

Investigation by arms-trafficking researchers shows that much small-arms ammunition for Africa's wars comes from Iran, sold quietly and often illegally. It's probably a profitable business for Iran, but the political aims are more important: Turning Africa's factions into allies

The Natural Experimenter

Peter Dizikes | MIT Technology Review | 2 January 2013

Profile of Josh Angrist, experimental economist. "Many other microeconomists base their work on models that make large assumptions about human behavior. But Angrist uses only empirical data that illuminate causal relationships in society"

Can India's Anger Bring Change?

Ian Jack | Guardian | 12 January 2013

"Enough protest and self-examination might one day mean that rape is punished even in the dustiest town, even when committed by the police, which would be a marvellous thing; especially marvellous if the police do not beat up, blind or otherwise torture the suspects taken into custody"

Targeted Killing And Drone Warfare

Michael Walzer | Dissent | 11 January 2013

"We should think very carefully before relaxing the targeting rules and turning drones into a weapon like all the others.Their moral and political advantage is their precision, which depends on using them only against individuals whose critical importance we have established"

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