Skeleton, Essay, Tiny, Bookstore, San Francisco
LateNite Films | Vimeo | 30th June 2020
Short film. A skeleton, once the villain of stop motion films, looks for a gig in modern-day Hollywood. One day, he finds that a classic film he starred in is being rebooted – with his part replaced by an actor in a motion-capture suit. A sweet and subtle sendup of the ways modern technology has de-mystified cinema (12m46s)

How To Write A Video Essay
Indietrix | YouTube | 29th June 2020
Straightforward but helpful resource for those interested in creating video essays. "Once you've got your idea, it's always worth rewatching the film or films your essay is about, even if you know them very well. You may discover that your recollection of the movie is wrong, or that you feel differently about it on this watch" (5m56s, recommended start at 54s)

Jacob Collier - Tiny Desk Performance
NPR Music | YouTube | 9th June 2020
Quadrupling himself to form a kaleidoscopic one (four?) man band, musical whiz kid Jacob Collier gives an electrifying performance from his own home. His songs are a marvelous swamp of close harmony, ambitious modulation and harmonic experimentation, with a dash of pure funk for good measure (16m12s)

BOOKSTORES: How to Read More Books in the Golden Age of Content
Max Joseph | YouTube | 23rd April 2019
A trip across the world in search of books – specifically, how to fit reading them into a busy schedule. On the way, interviews with life coaches, bookstore owners, blogger Eric Barker and the world's fastest reader. A work of self-help and a tour of Europe's most magnificent bookstores (37m50s)

Historical Video Of The Week
A colorized ride through the streets of 1906 San Francisco
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Editor: Abe Callard
Publisher: Uri Bram []