Weekly newsletter 25
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1. http://thebrowser.com
Weekly Newsletter
Best of the Week
[5]The Surreal Ruins Of Qaddafi's Never-Never Land
5. http://b.rw/pOMjBd
Robert Worth | NYT | 21 September 2011
Another superb despatch by Worth, this time picking over the ruins of former
Libyan leader's cruel regime. Meets computer hacker who worked for the
state, female executioner, and some of those who fought or were targeted for
killing [6]Comments
6. http://thebrowser.com/articles/surreal-ruins-qaddafis-never-never-land
[7]Dr Don
7. http://b.rw/putYoB
Peter Hessler | New Yorker | 20 September 2011
New Yorker at its best—and that's setting the bar high. Profile of Don
Colcord, small-town pharmacist in Colorado. Dispenses drugs and medical
advice, fixes watches, knows customers by name, helps out poor, holds town
together [8]Comments
8. http://thebrowser.com/articles/dr-don
[9]Debunking The Cul-de-Sac
9. http://b.rw/orapKQ
Emily Badger | Atlantic Cities | 19 September 2011
Safest cities in America are the ones incorporated before 1930, when streets
were laid out in grids. Fashion and regulation shifted then to favouring
winding streets and cul-de-sacs. Which turn out to be inefficient and
dangerous [10]Comments
10. http://thebrowser.com/articles/debunking-cul-de-sac
[11]Next Step Infinity
11. http://b.rw/prNE4M
Anthony Aguirre | Edge | 9 August 2011
How did we miss this last month? Outstanding enquiry into nature of
infinity. All the old favourites feature: Relativity, the Big Bang, multiple
universes. Along with some of the most perplexing philosophical questions
imaginable [12]Comments
12. http://thebrowser.com/articles/next-step-infinity
[13]Number One With A Bullet
13. http://b.rw/pEIG5V
Rowan Jacobsen | Outside | 19 September 2011
The poacher shot the rhino dead. Lopped off her horn. And fled. But forest
guards were onto him. And "unlike most guards in most parks in India, they
were armed. And they had license to kill." Welcome to the future of
conservation [14]Comments
14. http://thebrowser.com/articles/number-one-bullet
[15]How Should We Make Hard Decisions?
15. http://b.rw/qPPm8d
Jonah Lehrer | Frontal Cortex | 20 September 2011
Most presume that tricky decisions are best made by following pure reason.
Not by succumbing to gut instincts. But some surprising early-stage research
suggests a different strategy: "When the going gets tough, go with your gut"
16. http://thebrowser.com/articles/how-should-we-make-hard-decisions
[17]The Art Of Winning An (Even More) Unfair Game
17. http://b.rw/r1Q8OX
Tom Verducci | Sports Illustrated | 20 September 2011
Moneyball, now a film starring Brad Pitt, took statistical analysis in
baseball into the mainstream. But the biggest benefits flowed not to Billy
Beane's Oakland Athletics, but to richer teams like the Boston Red Sox
18. http://thebrowser.com/articles/art-winning-even-more-unfair-game
[19]‘The Finest Life You Ever Saw’
19. http://b.rw/nRook4
James Salter | NYRB | 22 September 2011
Lovely Salter piece assessing life and works of Ernest Hemingway. Trademark
writing style apparent at age of 16, when Hemingway wrote of a trout-fishing
trip: "Great fun fighting them in the dark in the deep swift river"
20. http://thebrowser.com/articles/‘-finest-life-you-ever-saw’
FiveBooks Interview
[21]Kenan Malik on Morality Without God
21. http://thebrowser.com/interviews/kenan-malik-on-morality-without-god
Religion is often presented as the guardian of moral values. The problem
with this, says the author and broadcaster, is that it diminishes what it
means to be human. He draws on Plato and a medieval Arab poet to explain why
[22]Read on
22. http://thebrowser.com/interviews/kenan-malik-on-morality-without-god
Featured Topic
[23]REM Split Up
23. http://thebrowser.com/topics/rem-split
They started out as skinny college kids in Athens, Georgia and over 31 years
together created some of the most inventive, satisfying music of our time.
Enjoy our retrospective of words and sounds [24]Read on
24. http://thebrowser.com/topics/rem-split
Reader Recommendations
_@citation_needed_ Fascinating interview with Richard Dawkins by the NYT -
[25]t.co/6y6glXF0 [26]#browsings [27]More like this
25. http://t.co/6y6glXF0
26. https://twitter.com/search?q=#browsings
27. http://thebrowser.com/browsings
Book of the Week
[28]Book of the Day
28. http://thebrowser.com/recommended/genealogy-morality-by-friedrich-nietzsche-translated-maudemarie-clark-and-alan-j-swensen
[29]On the Genealogy of Morality by Friedrich Nietzsche, translated by
Maudemarie Clark and Alan J Swensen
29. http://thebrowser.com/recommended/genealogy-morality-by-friedrich-nietzsche-translated-maudemarie-clark-and-alan-j-swensen
[30]Brian Leiter says: “This deals with the two absolutely central questions
for Nietzsche, namely what’s wrong with our morality and the problem of
suffering” [31]FiveBooks Archive
30. http://thebrowser.com/interviews/brian-leiter-on-nietzsche
31. http://thebrowser.com/fivebooks
Video of the Week
[32]Downfall Of A Cult Californian Winery
32. http://thebrowser.com/videos/downfall-cult-californian-winery
Fooling around with "Downfall" is a well-trodden path now, but this is still
[33]More videos
33. http://thebrowser.com/videos
Quote of the Week
[34]Jonathan Good, on photographs
34. http://1000memories.com/blog/94-number-of-photos-ever-taken-digital-and-analog-in-shoebox
"Ten percent of all photos ever taken were taken in the past 12 months"
[35]More quotes
35. http://thebrowser.com/quotations
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