Weekly newsletter 43
[1]A selection of our best article links of the week, plus featured
FiveBooks interviews, videos, quotations and more.
1. http://thebrowser.com
Weekly Newsletter
Best of the Week
[5]What's Wrong With The Teenage Mind?
5. http://b.rw/yIFvTT
Alison Gopnik | WSJ | 28 January 2012
Children are reaching puberty earlier and earlier in life. And yet
these same children are adopting adult roles later and later. Which
makes for "a good deal of teenage weirdness". Fine essay explains
what's really going on [6]Comments
6. http://thebrowser.com/articles/whats-wrong-teenage-mind
[7]Banks Weren't Meant To Be Like This
7. http://b.rw/xmWnyv
Michael Hudson | Naked Capitalism | 27 January 2012
"Banking has moved so far away from funding industrial growth and
economic development that it now benefits at the economy’s expense in a
predatory and extractive way, not by making productive loans."
Something has to change [8]Comments
8. http://thebrowser.com/articles/banks-werent-meant-be
[9]The Most Terrible Polar Exploration Ever
9. http://b.rw/yFKuQN
Mike Dash | Smithsonian | 27 January 2012
Utterly gripping account of Douglas Mawson's 1912-13 Antarctic
expedition. Unimaginable hardship in the cause of science. Mawson's
hair fell out, skin peeled off. He survived only by bathing his eyes in
cocaine and eating his dogs [10]Comments
10. http://thebrowser.com/articles/most-terrible-polar-exploration-ever
[11]We're All In The Same Boat
11. http://b.rw/wixqKl
Adam Curtis | BBC | 31 January 2012
Social history of the cruise ship industry, from the 1960s to the wreck
of the Costa Concordia. Ships as "giant floating theatrical bubbles" in
which ordinary people could behave for a while as though they were
upper class [12]Comments
12. http://thebrowser.com/articles/were-all-same-boat
[13]Why It's Kicking Off Everywhere
13. http://b.rw/wHLz6j
Paul Mason | Scribd | 31 January 2012
Compelling tour d'horizon of political, social, economic turmoil. Is
this a "50-year moment" where crisis leads to protectionism, economic
nationalism, de-globalisation? Or could it be something much bigger – a
500-year event? [14]Comments
14. http://thebrowser.com/articles/why-its-kicking-everywhere
[15]Jonathan Haidt Decodes The Tribal Psychology Of Politics
15. http://b.rw/xTw0t1
Marc Parry | Chronicle | 29 January 2012
"Liberals need to be shaken. They simply misunderstand conservatives
far more than the other way around." Enjoyable profile of moral
psychologist Haidt. Turns out he praises Sarah Palin. Enjoys Glenn
Beck. Even reads National Review [16]Comments
16. http://thebrowser.com/articles/jonathan-haidt-decodes-tribal-psychology-politics
[17]The Story Of A Suicide
17. http://b.rw/zz245J
Ian Parker | New Yorker | 30 January 2012
Remember the case of the Rutgers student, Tyler Clementi, who committed
suicide after his roommate allegedly filmed him having gay sex and
broadcast it online? This monumental reconstruction suggests it wasn't
that straightforward [18]Comments
18. http://thebrowser.com/articles/story-suicide
[19]To My Old Master
19. http://b.rw/wuK7qX
Jourdan Anderson | Letters Of Note | 30 January 2012
US colonel writes to former slave, requesting he return to work. Former
slave replies, in some style. Signs off with: "Say howdy to George
Carter, and thank him for taking the pistol from you when you were
shooting at me" [20]Comments
20. http://thebrowser.com/articles/my-old-master
FiveBooks Interview
[21]Clive Stafford Smith on Capital Punishment
21. http://thebrowser.com/interviews/clive-stafford-smith-on-capital-punishment
The lawyer, who’s defended many clients on death row, tells us why the
legal system in capital cases is set up to fail, and says all of us
should know more about what happens in an execution [22]Read on
22. http://thebrowser.com/interviews/clive-stafford-smith-on-capital-punishment
Featured Topic
[23]Sport's Violence Problem
23. http://thebrowser.com/reports/sports-violence-problem
Nobody wants to take away the thrill and drama of the NFL or NHL, but
is middle age dementia an acceptable price for ex-players to pay?
[24]Read on
24. http://thebrowser.com/reports/sports-violence-problem
Reader Recommendations
@nuzav The Fireplace Delusion : Sam Harris [25]t.co/joakuqvL via
@SamHarrisOrg [26]#browsings [27]More like this
25. http://t.co/joakuqvL
26. https://twitter.com/search?q=#browsings
27. http://thebrowser.com/browsings
Book of the Week
[28]Book of the Day
28. http://thebrowser.com/recommended/history-bombing-by-sven-lindqvist
[29]A History of Bombing by Sven Lindqvist
29. http://thebrowser.com/recommended/history-bombing-by-sven-lindqvist
[30]Geoff Dyer says: “I remember, when it came out, thinking this is
way more original than any of the novels on this year’s Booker Prize
list” [31]FiveBooks Archive
30. http://thebrowser.com/interviews/geoff-dyer-on-unusual-histories
31. http://thebrowser.com/fivebooks
Video of the Week
[32]London Coffee Bars, 1950s
32. http://thebrowser.com/videos/london-coffee-bars-1950s
Many a man who had thought to make his fortune from a sack of beans
found himself slaving over a spaghetti bolognaise [33]More videos
33. http://thebrowser.com/videos
Quote of the Week
[34]E.M. Cioran, on certainty
34. http://www.fraglit.com/impassioned/quotations/aphorisms/cioran-p.htm
"We have convictions only if we have studied nothing thoroughly"
[35]More quotes
35. http://thebrowser.com/quotations
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